Sunday, April 1, 2012

Lizzy Bennett

Elizabeth Bennett and I have our differences from time to time, and although I was a fool in the past, I hope she can forgive me for my past insurrections. I was blinded by my pride but now I see her for the true, wonderful person she is. May I add that in no way do I think ill of her for the recent elopement between Lydia and Wickham, because nobody could have seen that coming. It was only their fault for this patched-up marriage.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to hear that you have an interest in my sister. I can tell you that she is not one to easily forgive but given time she will come around. She may seem ruff around the edges but she truely is a good hearted person. I can only hope for the best for my sister. If that proves to be you than I will welcom you into the family with open arms. How is Mr. Bingly doing?
