Sunday, April 8, 2012

Elizabeth Darcy? :)

After Elizabeth and I made up and talked for a while, I decided to ask for her hand in marriage. We were so happy with each other, that I knew she would say yes! However, asking her father for his consent was the hard part. I was so nervous, but he ended up saying yes as well. I am so happy that everything has turned out all right.

Elizabeth and I

Earlier today, I was at the Bennett's house with Mr. Bingley and Elizabeth and I got a chance to talk. She thanked me warmly for my help in affirming the marriage of Lydia and Wickham, and helping Jane and Bingley get back together. I told her that I still had feelings for her like I did last April, and she said that her's had changed. It couldn't have been a better day.

My Aunt's visit

I have just heard news that my aunt, Lady Catherine, went to Longbourne to talk to Elizabeth Bennett. She went to assure that Elizabeth would not enter in any sort of engagement with me because I am supposed to marry my cousin, Miss de Bourgh. (Like thats ever going to happen) Elizabeth bluntly refused to make any promises to not get involved with me. I can certainly say that this was greatly received by me. This gave me hope that Elizabeth would still possibly like me. Yes!

Jane and Mr. Bingley

Words cannot express how happy I am for Charles Bingley, my best friend, in his recent engagement. Jane Bennett is lucky to have such a nice man to be her husband. They are both such nice, modest people that I am surprised that they didn't get married earlier. There may have been some complications in their relationship, but mow everything is all right. I hope my efforts to get Bingley and Jane back together will help improve my own relationship with the Bennett family.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Gardiner's Help

It is nice to see an aunt and uncle that are so helpful to their nieces. When Lydia and Wickham eloped, they were quick to help and begin searching for them. I personally met up with Mr. Gardiner in London to try to hunt down the missing couple. I couldn't imagine what would happen if anything like that happened in my family, but I am sure the Bennetts are thankful for such nice relatives. 

Lizzy Bennett

Elizabeth Bennett and I have our differences from time to time, and although I was a fool in the past, I hope she can forgive me for my past insurrections. I was blinded by my pride but now I see her for the true, wonderful person she is. May I add that in no way do I think ill of her for the recent elopement between Lydia and Wickham, because nobody could have seen that coming. It was only their fault for this patched-up marriage.

My Best Friend Charles

Mr. Bingley is back in Derbyshire, which I am very glad to hear. Lets just say its not just for the bird He hasn't seen Jane Bennett in a while which I know he is glad about. :) I hope that he will forgive me for my decision to try to halt their courtship earlier in the year. Back then, it seemed reasonable because there was such a difference in their social status and other problems.  Only now I realize that they both did love each other very much, which was hard to see a few months back. Bingley or Jane, if you are reading this, I'm sorry.


I hope the Bennett family realizes that Mr. Wickham has no intention in marrying Lydia unless he gets some amount or money. It is sad that such a nice family has to get involved with such a horrible man. Against my personal judgement, I hope he does marry Lydia Bennett, because if there is anything worse than an elopement, it is an elopement that doesn't end in a marriage. I can only wish that I exposed Wickham for the selfish schemer he really is, and then maybe none of this would have never happened.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


If I had exposed Wickham for what he had done, it could prevented this elopement that has recently happened with Lydia Bennet. He clearly only wants a portion of the Bennet family inheritance, not to truly marry for love. Wickham is a vile, selfish person whose only motive in life is to get money, no matter the effects. It makes me sick that I was once good friends with such a jerk.

Help is on the way

After receiving the new that Lydia Bennet, the youngest of the Miss Bennets, has eloped with Mr. Wickham, I was very concerned. An elopement can seriously tarnish a family's reputation. Although Mr. Wickham is the last person on earth I would want to help, I will do anything in my power to make sure that this problem gets smoothed over. (Are you reading this Elizabeth?)

Family Relations

In additions to having such pleasant company, I was also glad to have Elizabeth meet my younger sister, Georgiana. She was always asking what Elizabeth was like. They seemed to get along great. Hopefully this will help Elizabeth...think better of me.

Unexpected Visit

Miss Elizabeth Bennet visited Pemberly, my home, earlier this afternoon. It was nice to see her again and catch up on some things. she was traveling with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner. They were on their way to Derbyshire.